The Star Whale - Nicola Davies

Dobré knihy
350 Kč
EAN 9781915659095
Kategorie Knihy
Značka Otter-Barry Books Ltd
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Otter-Barry Books Ltd - <p>Discover a pangolin at dusk, fly on the bat's back, visit a lion and hear about his plight; try the moth alphabet tongue-twister, meet fighting Tazzies on a night out in Tasmania or dream about the five-legged dog and three-legged cat! Then find out about real, huge Titanosaurus and amazing Coelacanths. You might spot a kingfisher, that 'small glint of wonder', and see how 'wild reclaims the world' in the urban night-time. These beautiful poems are perfectly melded with Petr Horacek's gorgeous, glowing paintings and the combination is extraordinary - passionate, playful, thoughtful and exciting. Like the goldfinch in the final poem, this wonderful book will 'set the heart free and flying'.</p>

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